Dame Hackett Report – The need for industry change

26 Sep 2019
09:30 - 10:00

Dame Hackett Report – The need for industry change

The tragic fire at Grenfell Tower on 14 June 2017 had a profound effect on public and political awareness of fire in high rise buildings in particular. The fire continues to have international reverberations as those involved in the fire and construction industry take steps to ensure that such tragedies don’t happen in the future.

In England the number of formal organisations were required to take immediate steps and to provide longer term solutions, they include:

  • an Independent Expert Advisory Panel Chaired by Sir Ken Knight
  • an independence to review of the constriction and regulatory framework undertaken by Judith Hackitt
  • an investigation led by the Metropolitan Police Service
  • Corners Inquiry
  • a Public Inquiry into matters leading up to and surrounding the fire Chaired by Sir Martin Moore-Bick

In his presentation, Sir Ken will discuss the relationship between the bodies, the work of the Independent Expert Panel he continues to Chair, and the implications for the future so far.